Talks & Appearances

December 21, 2020
State Management with NgRxLive stream session on state management with NgRx in Angular based on the NgRx book

October 28, 2020
Undo-Redo with Angular & NgRxTalk on implementing undo-redo in Angular with NgRx and immer.js

October 28, 2020
Observables + Structural Directives = ❤️Talk on handling observables with and without structural directives

March 18, 2020
Observables & Structural DirectivesTalk on handling observables with and without structural directives

October 21, 2019
Let's talk about Node.jsTalk about building APIs and server-side rendered web applications using Node.js

October 10, 2018
Next Level Cross-Platform - iOS, Android, web and beyondTalk with live coding session about full-stack cross-platform development of mobile and web apps using NativeScript, Angular and NestJS

December 06, 2017
NativeScript On FireHands-on talk + live coding session about development of native cross-platform mobile apps with NativeScript

September 13, 2017
Mobile Cross-Platform Development from a Progressive PerspectiveHands-on talk + live coding session about development of native cross-platform mobile apps with NativeScript